Forking SuiteCRM

Quick Guide to Fork SuiteCRM

Fork the SuiteCRM repository

You can do this entirely from the GitHub website. See Forking Git to learn how.

Setup Git on your local machine

Follow the guide produced by GitHub, which provides detailed instructions on setting up git and connecting to GitHub from your local machine.

Clone your repository on your local machine

With git setup and your GitHub fork created, we can now clone the git repository to our local machine. Change to the directory you wish to do this at, and issue this command to clone the SuiteCRM repository ( changing username for your username in GitHub )

git clone

Now that we have cloned the repository locally, we next need to setup the remote repositories that this repository will reference. By default, git creates the origin remote, which points to the fork you created on github ( . However, in order to stay up to date with the changes to the parent repository ( you’ll want to setup the upstream remote as well. Here’s how:

cd SuiteCRM
git remote add upstream git://
git fetch upstream

Now anytime you want to update your forked branch it’s a simple process. Just change to the branch you want to update from the upstream (for example, the master branch) and then issue the commands below:

git checkout master
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
git push origin master

These commands will pull down the latest changes from the upstream repo ( to your local repo, then merge the changes into your local clone’s master branch, and finally push those changes back up to your fork’s repository on Github. This is key to keep your master, hotfix, and develop up to date after a minor and major release.

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