Released Jul 20, 2016
This release resolves Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities in Yahoo YUI component & YUI IO Utility
Removes the use of uploader.swf file (and references) within self-hosted YUI library that can be vulnerable to XSS attacks
Users of ALL previous releases are advised to Upgrade to 7.5.5 or 7.6.6 as soon as possible
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Special thanks to chadbennett for alerting and helping us resolve this vulnerability.
Released Jul 4, 2016
This release resolves a Security vulnerability with Serialized Input, to prevent possible object injection attacks
Removes the option to allow serialized user input to the SuiteCRM Rest Client.
Changed serialized User input to use JSON
Users of ALL previous releases are advised to Upgrade to 7.5.4 or 7.6.5 as soon as possible
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Special thanks to Egidio Romano for alerting and helping us resolve this vulnerability.
Released Mar 15, 2016
#1080 Activity Stream Setup Undefined index: Facebook/Twitter
#1076 Clicking through to Opportunities from Outcome By Month Dashlet doesn’t filter correctly
#1074 Error Clicking Cancel on Show Duplicates page in Leads
#1073 Issue with clicking through to data on Opportunities By Lead Source By Outcome Dashlet
#1068 JavaScript setModuleFieldsPendingFinishedCallback is not defined in Reports
#1050 Difficulty searching on Text Area Fields when using carriage return
#1066 Reports "Last Month" date period is the same as "This Month" date period
#1057 Selecting Create Account and cancelling from Home screen goes to error page
#1010 Calender on Mobile view shows no items
#1053 Action menu background cleared after save
#724 Responsive theme glitch at width 981px - 991px
#1040 Documentation link 404 error on user wizard
#766 Timezone issue for Meeting reminders
#929 Studio Dynamic DropDown not working
Its is recommended to update to 7.5.3 as soon as possible
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Released this Mar 7, 2016
This is a bug fix release for SuiteCRM 7.5 release.
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Released Jan 26, 2016
This is a bug fix release for SuiteCRM 7.5 release.
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Released Jan 18, 2016
SuiteCRM 7.5, the latest cutting edge release, focuses on enhancing the Reports module. A full list of new functionality is detailed below:
Cleaner Reports Interface - Making the report writer and results view more user friendly and less cluttered.
AND/OR Conditions - Improving your ability to refine results using a mixture of OR as well as AND logical operators.
New Charting Engine - Present your report results using eye catching configurable charts to clearly communicate your intended metrics.
Grouped Reports View - Grouped Reports view, including dashlets, which can be expanded/collapsed and grouped on multiple fields.
Custom file removal - Removing a large volume of files from the custom directory ensuring only required custom files remain.
Formatting Options - Display dates and other key fields in a format effective for your audience.
Download here from the SuiteCRM GitHub Repository or visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade.
Released this Jan 11, 2016
This is a beta release and should not be used in a production environment.
The focus of SuiteCRM 7.5 is to enhance the functionality of the native Reports module and introduce new charting functionality/designs.
This release candidate release includes the following new features, as well as bug-fixes to the 7.5 Beta 2 release:
Enhancements to the User Interface.
Grouped Report View.
AND/OR reporting operators.
New RGraph charting engine.
Released Dec 21, 2015
This is a beta release and should not be used in a production environment.
The focus of SuiteCRM 7.5 is to enhance the functionality of the native Reports module and introduce new charting functionality/designs.
This second Beta release includes enhancements to the User Interface, AND/OR reporting operators, new RGraph charting functionality and bug fixes to the 7.5 Beta 1 release.
Released Dec 14, 2015
Try 7.5 to preview the new features coming in SuiteCRM 7.5.
The focus of SuiteCRM 7.5 is to enhance the functionality of the native Reports module.
The first Beta release includes enhancements to the User Interface and the introduction of AND/OR operators.
Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later unless otherwise noted.